The Eric R. Cregeen Fieldwork Journals 1975-1976: Volume 8 download eBook. The Eric R. Cregeen Fieldwork Journals 1975-1976: Volume 8 | Margaret Bennett, Eric Radcliffe Cregeen | ISBN: 9781913162078 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.
Before speaking about Eric Cregeen's life and work, Dr Bennett began telling Dr Bennett was given one of Cregeen's fieldwork journals as an Dr Mark McConville, receiving the volumes on behalf of DASG, (8), Scotland and Europe (11), Scotland and the Commonwealth (4), Vox Populi Series (7).
Pre-Classical Economists Volume I (Charles Davenant (1656-1714) and William Petty The Eric R. Cregeen Fieldwork Journals 1975-1976 (Volume .
Former Assistant Director of the Manx Museum, Eric R. Cregeen (1921 83) was one of UK's prime movers in recording oral history.
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Historian Eric Radcliffe Cregeen (1921-1983) made hundreds of audio recordings of oral histories from a wide range of people from around Scotland. His meticulous notes are displayed and transcribed in nine volumes, with those regarding Tiree recordings presented in Volumes 3 to 9.
Ten books 'The Eric R Cregeen Fieldwork Journals', edited Margaret Bennett, Vol 5 1969-1972; Vol 6 1973-1974; Vol 7 1974-1978; Vol 8 1975-1976; Vol 9
Download and read online The Eric R. Cregeen Fieldwork Journals 1975-1976: Volume 8
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